What's the issue with breakfast cereals and cereal bars?
Cereal and cereal bars are considered ultra processed foods (1). Simply read the first few ingredients and you will notice they many are primarily composed of refined sugars, flours, and oils that are detrimental to human health. Two large studies found that increased consumption of ultra processed foods is associated with early death (2,3). Additionally, ultra processed foods have been linked to the development of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity (2,4-6). According to research, many popular cereals may contain pesticide residues that may be linked to cancer (7). Additionally, many cereals have added food dyes that may be linked to different cancers and allergies (8). I'm not saying that all cereals and bars are harmful but you should do your research before consuming them. There are many #healthy breakfast options, but oat bran + flax seed (= super oats) are among the healthiest and best options out there to give your mornings and #weightloss goals a super boost!

1) 1/3 cup organic, non GMO oat bran (total fat (saturated) 0.5 g, cholesterol 0 mg, sodium 0 mg, sugar 1 g, fiber 7 g, protein 7 g, total carbohydrates 26 g, calories = 150).
2) 2 Tablespoons of organic ground flax seed (total fat 4.5 g poly 3 g, mono 1 g), cholesterol 0 mg, sodium 0 mg, sugar 0 mg, fiber 3 g, protein 3 g, calories = 70).
3) 1 cup of water (or for added richness add 1 cup flax milk = 25 calories).
4) 4 packets (12 grams) stevia sweetener ( 0 calories, saved 128 calories on sugar!).
5) Optional: 1 tablespoon of organic soluble acacia fiber (total fat 0 mg, cholesterol 0 mg, sodium 0 mg, sugar 0 mg, fiber 5 g, protein 0 mg, calories = 10).
6) Optional:1 scoop (10g) collagen peptide powder (sodium 55 mg, sugar 0 mg, fiber 0 mg, protein 9 mg, calories = 35).
7) Optional: nuts ( organic walnuts, almonds, etc.).
8) Optional: fruits ( organic strawberries, blueberries, etc.).
1) Combine oatmeal, flax, and water (or milk) to cereal bowl and heat in microwave for 1.5-2 minutes. Stop at halfway to stir.
2) Add 4 packets of stevia sweetener. TIP: if you don't like to taste of stevia then add half stevia, half organic honey which cuts the bitterness some find unpleasant.
3) Optional: Add acacia fiber.
4) Optional: Add collagen peptides once oatmeal is ready to eat as heat will destroy peptides making them non functional.
5) Optional: Add nuts (organic chopped almonds, walnuts, etc.).
6) Optional: Add fruits (organic blueberries, strawberries, etc.).
7) Optional: Pour mixture into a flask to take if you on the go.
Key nutritional features:
1) 19 g of protein which is more than most protein bars.
2) 15 g of fiber which is about half your daily requirement (females 25g/day, males 38g/day).
3) Only 1 g of sugar and 265 calories to keep you full all morning long with great taste!
#superoats have almost 20 grams of protein, more than half the daily requirement of fiber with only 265 calories per serving! - This super meal will make you feel super good! #smartandeasyhealth

What's the bottom line?
#superoats are a low calorie meal and a great source of fiber and protein which can keep you full all morning and promote #weightloss. Oats are rich in fiber which has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes (9), cholesterol (9, 10), and heart disease risk (10). Also, #superoats high fiber content will likely lead to significantly improved bowel movements. Oats have also been shown to reduce the risk of obesity (11) partially owing to it's effect on decreasing hunger (12). Also increased fiber intake is associated with lower risk of certain cancers (13, 14). Flax seeds are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber which promote human health though anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and cholesterol lowering properties (15). Research has shown that flax seeds can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and some cancers (16). Also flax seeds provide a delicious nutty flavor when added to oatmeal. Using stevia sweetener instead of sugar will cut unnecessary sugar from your diet which decreases obesity and variety of health risks.
The bottom line on optional items:
The addition of Acacia fiber to oatmeal will keep you full longer and add fiber which decreases risk of developing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity (17). Collagen peptides increases protein content which helps keep you full longer. Also collagen peptides are good for joint, bone, skin health (18-23). Nuts, such as almonds and walnuts are nutrient dense foods and they have numerous health benefits including reducing risk of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other health issues (24). Last, berries, such as strawberries and blueberries are rich in fiber and polyphenols which have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (25, 26).
Whats the difference between oat bran and oatmeal?
The oat grain is processed to removed the inedible outer hull leaving the oat groat (27, 28). Oat bran is the outer layer of the oat groat (27, 28) which is prepared by passing the groats between rollers which crush and flatten them (28). The remainder of the flattened groat is the oatmeal (28). I prefer oat bran since it has significantly more protein and fiber than oatmeal (28). Also, oat bran has a smoother texture and it's easier to prepare than oatmeal.
#Superoats are a great way to start your day and keep you on track for your weight loss goals. Additionally, many of the ingredients will not only nourish your body, but also promote health and wellness in the long term. Enjoy!

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